Page 40 - 頂埔兒童47期
P. 40
My name is Mr. Parkes. I come from tea.
Canada. Vancouver is a big and beautiful I have a mother and father, of course.
city in Canada. I grew up here. I have My mother was a nurse, and my father
lived in Taiwan since 2005. Taiwan is a was a school principal. My father’s
beautiful place, and the people are nice. father was a sailor in World War 2. My
I like to read. I read books, newspapers, father’s mother’s father was a soldier in
and websites. I like to learn new things World War 1. He was a very good soldier
every day. I like to read good books. If a and King George gave him an award.
book is very good, I read it many times. My brother lived in Japan for 5 years.
My favourite book is 1984, by George Now, he lives in Canada and teaches
Orwell. It was written in 1948, but still Japanese. He and his Japanese wife
important today. have two children. I have a wife, too. My
I like to listen to music. My favourite wife is Taiwanese. My wife and I have a
band is Depeche Mode. They are from baby boy. He is very cute and happy.
Britain. Their music sounds different to I enjoy teaching English. I hope that
other musical bands. I also like Leonard when my students learn English, it can
Cohen, Kate Bush, Bruce Cockburn, and open their eyes to the world. I want my
Crystal Castles. students to not feel shy to meet me.
I like to watch documentaries, comedy, Please say to me, “Hello, Mr. Parkes.”
and science fiction. I like to watch videos ◎文 / Michael David Parkes文 / Michael David Parkes
where I learn new things. I think good
comedy is about how crazy life is. I think
Star Trek is better than Star Wars.
I like to hike and ride a bike. I swim
well, but don’t like to swim. I like to see
mountains and the sea. My favourite
places are the west coast of Canada,
and in Taiwan I like to visit Yilan,
Taichung, Changhua, Tainan, Kaohsiung,
Penghu, and Hualien.
My favourite foods come from
the Ukraine, Greece, Mexico, the
Mediterranean, China, Vietnam, and
Japan. I like lots of food in Taiwan. I also
like to eat popcorn. Popcorn is good with
butter and salt. I like to drink coffee and