Page 34 - 頂埔兒童44期
P. 34

Teacher Marius

                                              My  name  is  Marius
                                              Stephanus  Theron.    I
                                              was  born  and  raised  in

                                              South  Africa.    I  grew
                                              up in Strand, near Cape
                                              Town, and qualified as

                                              an  elementary  school
                                              teacher at the Wellington

                                              Teachers  Training
                                              College.  I also studied
                                              Psychology and languages

                                              at  the  University  of
              Baby Marius in Pretoria,        Stellenbosch.                      “Super Marius” during
              South Africa  (City of birth)                                      the 2018 Winter Camp
                                              My teaching philosophy             (Costume created by
                                              is that all students should        students)
                                              be allowed to reach their

                                              full potential. I am a firm
                                              believer in learning new
                                              languages with the aid of

                                              songs, chants, and games.
                                              Learning English should
                                              be fun!

                                              I am truly grateful to be
                                              allowed to assist with the

                                              education of the students
                                              at Dingpu Elementary.
                                              I hope that I can help the

                                              students to become great
              Before school on the first      communicators and true             River tracing, my favorite
              day in grade 1                  citizens of the planet.            thi ng  to do  b esid es
                                                                                 teaching and cycling

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